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General medicine blended assignment- July 22nd, 2021

2019 Batch- 3rd, sem


peer review of this case:

55 yr male with weakness in lest UL/LL, deviation of mouth to the right side, involuntary micturition, difficulty in swallowing along with slurred speech.

It is really admirable how my fellow worker has presented the case by way of a blog. Everything is in a systematic order, all the examinations and investigations are prerequisites for diagnosis. She made sure everything is in the correct order and asked appropriate questions in history taking which is important to know the patient's condition.

QUESTION: 2       






Wow! It is really great the way you mentioned the case. these blogs are insightful for all aspiring doctors. I would recommend those who are interested in having an idea about this case study. The order of points which u have mentioned in this case is one aspect that we all should look up to. There is a significant change in my knowledge of kidney diseases before n after reading this blog. This blogs does not only give insight into theoretical knowledge but also about the practical applications of our knowledge.


It is sudden in onset, primarily reversible. Generally, the patients come to OPD with c/o oliguria, lower abdominal pain, decrease in urine output with burning micturition, SOB, fever, vomitings- bilious, pedal edema in bilateral lower limb pitting type. It can be identified by serum creatinine levels O/e it shows low albumin levels, with normal hemoglobin concentration, not associated with anemia [rarely anemia can be noticed], normal lipid profile. Sometimes AKI are associated with other diseases like hepatomegaly, pancreatitis, CHF. Renal transplantation is not required, the patient should be on dialysis for a short period of time.

It is sudden in onset, predominantly irreversible. General c/o of patients are muscle aches, fever, generalized weakness, vomitings- non-bilious, normal or increased urinary output [polyuria], no pedal edema [if associated with pedal edema there is periorbital edema too which indicates severe kidney damage], SOB- absent. O/e size of the kidney is reduced, hemoglobin concentration decreased, anemia is seen, marked changes in lipid profile [decreased HDL, increased LDL, TG]. Renal transplantation is necessary, dialysis- required repeatedly.

Sudden fall in GFR is diagnosed as acute kidney disease, nevertheless, some pt has pre-existing kidney injury leading to CKD.


Last month we just began our clinical postings online. The first time it is very difficult for us, but with these blogs, we are at least knowing the basic things like history taking, etc. Due to this pandemic, our learning became very tough because everything is online. Our professors, pgs, interns helping us to learn history taking, etc through blogs. We are unable to attend offline postings in this pandemic situation blogs are very helpful as we are taking up a case. Our HOD of general medicine is explaining each and every case. Thank you general medicine department for this blog idea and for helping us to learn.


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