49 IMMANI AASRITHA General medicine blended assignment- July 22nd, 2021 2019 Batch- 3rd, sem QUESTION: 1 peer review of this case: https://pravallikagade41.blogspot.com/ . 55 yr male with weakness in lest UL/LL, deviation of mouth to the right side, involuntary micturition, difficulty in swallowing along with slurred speech. It is really admirable how my fellow worker has presented the case by way of a blog. Everything is in a systematic order, all the examinations and investigations are prerequisites for diagnosis. She made sure everything is in the correct order and asked appropriate questions in history taking which is important to know the patient's condition. QUESTION: 2 https://49immaniaasritha.blogspot.com/ . QUESTION: 3 AKI: https://laharikantoju. blogspot.com/2021/07/58-year- old-male-patient-elog-lahari. html?m=1 : https://keerthireddy42. blogspot.com/2021/07/43-yr- old-male-of-nalg...